i dont know what the fuck im doing im gonna be honest, ive still got alot to learn and i dont even really know what im gonna use this for, for random people to learn about whta i like like why tf would they give a shit, idk i think personaly im just gonna upload some art ive made and links to my other stuff, speaking to yourself in text form is strange and i should probably stop doing it, ohhh wait this could be a cool like public journal/dairy type thing, but then why not just like actualy cdo a dairy well ive tried but i keep forgetting to update it, what says i wont forget about this too? idk man maybe cuz its online i might remember it more often and make a happit out of it, plys its like i can organise it exactly how i want with 0 resrictions cuz its like code and stuff right like yk idk, i think i should change this from header to paragraph cuz otherwise its gonna be wayy too big, seeing other peoples sites they "optimise for mobile" somehow and i guess if i wanna do this sorta stuff i got to learn that as well

i wish there was a sort of like "autocomplet" or whatever the things called on code editors cos i usualy find that really usefull for finding new features and stuff, do i like write my code into a an actual code editor then paste it in here or is there some feature im missing out on... who knows!

should i date this stuff? yeah why not fuck it all the sentances here have been created around the same time so yeah ladies is 03:43 on 16/07/2024 oh wait ive just realised this is what a changelog is for FUCK i guess im gonna have to make one of them

i wonder should i end every sentance with the date and time i wrote it at or would that be too cringe? :I idk lets try it and if i forget to do it then i forget to do it oh well lol

i just realised i forgot to put the date and time in the sentance i just wrote about putting in a dat and time im so idiotic sometimes ffs 03:46 16/07/2024

just looked at the little lear thing fuck how do i link stuff again i forgor anyway it says theres even like a web gl type thing wich is really cool cuz i make alot of games in roblox but have been wanting to branch out but normal game engines seem way too complicated for so so maybe i could make something on here, ive also seen like mutiplayer stuff as well but lets not get too ambitions lol wait could i edit this stuff on phone i cba grabbing my phone to test oh wait i have a vm hol up gimmiesec

a miniute nine seconds to start up my vm again are you kiding me stfu i need to look up that guide on how to cto change the stratup thing or whatever cos im starting up from saved and i think thats why its gonna take that long nvm its open

well it works but just about, so thats cool, gonna stick to actual pc lol

dunno what that guy was going on about the vm powers off and up just fine without loss of data idk ill fuck around and find out i guess

holly fuckin shiz i added a title thing and its awesome and cool and wooow it now says "my first web page" when hovong over the tab very nice very epic okj ill shut up sorry

oo cool we got some ephisis tags hol up one sec cool shit

alright so ik you can like HTML Dog do links stuff, so coukld i like link to something like a discord link or something to bypass that 1gb limit for free users?

like dies that work or nah

ok it works but like, id like for you to SEE the image, hol up i guess ill look deeper into the tutorial

ok now does THIS work or nah


ok lets see does gifs work

ok now does THIS work or nah

oh my fucking god they do this is so cool guys

ok so onto videos i pulled up some random ass tutorial see if this works

I LOVE USING DISCORD AS A COULD SERVICE! no but really what the fuck thats so cool

ok so another thing i looked at on the same wesite is like thes button things so could i like idk i want to say click button then show an image but i cba rn im gonna go sleep soon ish gn me

ok im back after not too long (lik 5 mins) and i just decovered what ive basicly been doing is hot linking and that it also seems like people have an issue with it, i think for what im doing its fine since im hot linking a disocrd thing so who gives a fuck but i guess if i was to hotlink someone elses thing maybe it would drive up cost or something for them, i kinda dont want to download evey little thing i see thats cool and i want to show off here so for now ill consider just linking to their site itself or uploading the thing to discord then hot linking it here idk someone will probably give me a million billion reasons why im a stupid idot and what im doing is wrong but till then :I

i was just wondering (no ive still not slept yet its the same fuckin day) roblox has a thing called scale when doing ui and its usefull cuz it basicaly means eveything gets squished and steched so its always in the same like percentage i guess u would call it? like f i set a thing in the ui to be 0.5 scale then it will always be in the middle of the screen or parent frame or what have u, so could i do something like take the screen pixels and then divide by a certain amount and make it so my images are always the same size on every screen size idk i think that could be cool and be a nice way to do them mobile optimisations

im back still not slept, one more thing im gonna do is link to ANOTHER PAGE OF DIS WEBSITE!!!! i think ik how to so if i just like hold on lemme cntrl c conlr v some code rq

othersitei think

by golly it does

hello its now 12:19 (same day) and i feel fuckkkedd, however ive had alot to think about stuff i want to do here, GAMESD! i dont really care what type be it 3d or 2d or whatever i want to do it, personaly i wann try looking at a raycaster tutorail and create some strange multiplayer games, i would do 3d but it feels daunting and raycasting just seems simpler idk, im probably gonn a take this page and put it as a seperate one like 'journal' or some shit like that

its the next day now 17/07/2024 at 07:15 and im still wanting to make a game wish me luck idk where to start tho

ohg yeah moved this wall of text to a new page cuz i dont want it to be the index page :3

hi im fuckin back baby its 19/07/2024 and dont get me wrong i cba to do any work on the site but im leaving a messgae here to show im still existing